Court of Appeals Affirms PTD Award on Substantial Evidence Grounds

XPO Logistics v. Ivester, No. 23-1357 (Iowa App. Aug. 21, 2024)

Claimant was found to have sustained permanent total disability from a back injury affecting both his left and right side.  Although defendants admitted that claimant had sustained an injury to his left back, they argued that the symptoms from the left-sided back injury had largely abated and claimant was not entitled to PTD based only on his symptoms to the left back.  Defendants argued that the symptoms to the left back, which arose following surgery to his left back, were not related to his work.  In finding permanent total disability, the deputy and commissioner relied on the unrefuted opinions of two experts, Dr. Mathew and Dr. Segal, that the "ongoing low back and lower extremity symptoms, including his right-side symptoms, are related to the work injury of June 8, 2016."

On appeal, the employer argued that since the surgery was to the left side, symptoms on the right side with no immediate onset could not be causally related to the injury.  The employer argues that because claimant went for over a year without treatment for the right-sided symptoms, the agency's decision is not supported by substantial evidence.  In rejecting this claim, the COA notes that the employee sought treatment for the right-sided injury "only to be rebuffed by XPO and its insurance carrier."  Because the evidence supported the findings made by the agency, substantial evidence supported the decision of the commissioner. 

The employer also argues that claimant had not reached MMI.  The Court finds that the shots claimant was receiving were not inconsistent with a finding of MMI.  The Court also concluded that a fusion surgery that might be performed was found by the neurosurgeon to be of no benefit to the employee.  Finally, the recommendation for a spinal cord stimulator was one that had not been recommended.  The commissioner's finding on MMI was affirmed, as was the award of PTD benefits.


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