Court of Appeals Affirms Reversal of Agency Denial of Benefits
In Cozad v. Russell Corp., No. 1-864 (Iowa App. Jan. 19, 2012), the Court of Appeals issued an interesting decision affirming a decision of the district court, which had reversed the agency action denying benefits. The remarkable aspect of this decision is the fact that Cozad was decided only weeks after the Supreme Court's decision in Pease, in which the court had indicated its reaffirmance of the importance of substantial evidence in workers' compensation cases.
Cozad involved a fairly straightforward back injury, in which the claimant reported an acute injury at work. She had previously had a significant history of back problems, but all of the doctors who opined on the issue of causation found that the injury arose out of and in the course of employment and caused a permanent impairment. The agency found that claimant had suffered only a temporary impairment as a result of the injury. The decision was based on the fact that the doctors who opined on causation were not fully aware of the past history of back problems.
The district court and court of appeals reversed, finding that this was not a battle of the experts as in Pease because there was no expert testimony finding that claimant's injury did not lead to a permanent impairment. The court indicated that if the commissioner rejects uncontroverted medical testimony, he must do so with specificity. The court also noted that it was reluctant to allow the rejection of medical testimony which was the only evidence presented. Although two of the doctors (Boulden and Nelson) gave opinions only as to the possibility of causation, Dr. Palit clearly found that causation and permanency had been established. There was said to be no evidence that Dr. Palit was not aware of the severity of claimant's earlier impairment. Based on these factors, the decision of the commissioner was reversed.
Cozad involved a fairly straightforward back injury, in which the claimant reported an acute injury at work. She had previously had a significant history of back problems, but all of the doctors who opined on the issue of causation found that the injury arose out of and in the course of employment and caused a permanent impairment. The agency found that claimant had suffered only a temporary impairment as a result of the injury. The decision was based on the fact that the doctors who opined on causation were not fully aware of the past history of back problems.
The district court and court of appeals reversed, finding that this was not a battle of the experts as in Pease because there was no expert testimony finding that claimant's injury did not lead to a permanent impairment. The court indicated that if the commissioner rejects uncontroverted medical testimony, he must do so with specificity. The court also noted that it was reluctant to allow the rejection of medical testimony which was the only evidence presented. Although two of the doctors (Boulden and Nelson) gave opinions only as to the possibility of causation, Dr. Palit clearly found that causation and permanency had been established. There was said to be no evidence that Dr. Palit was not aware of the severity of claimant's earlier impairment. Based on these factors, the decision of the commissioner was reversed.
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