Court of Appeals Affirms Denial of Alternate Medical Care
Denemark v. Archer Daniels Midland Company , No. 21-1851 (Iowa App. Sept. 21, 2022) Claimant injured his arm and originally had injections for the pain that developed in the wake of the injury. This did not alleviate the pain and an arthroscopic surgery and debridement of the TFCC was recommended by Dr. Kuo. On September 18, ADM indicated that it would investigate causation before authorizing surgery. The surgery was authorized on October 21 and care was transferred to UIHC at the request of Dr. Kuo's office. Surgery was authorized for December 29. This surgery was rescheduled for January 12. A Covid screening was required prior to surgery, but ADM failed to schedule transportation to the screening. The surgery was rescheduled and ultimately took place on January 29. In the midst of these activities, claimant filed a request for alternate medical care alleging that defendant sent its safety manager to claimant's medical appointments, improperly...