Supreme Court Holds That Disclose of Surveillance is not Required Prior to Claimant's Deposition
This case began when the Core Group of the Iowa Association for Justice requested the commissioner to enter a declaratory order holding that employers must, under section 85.27(2) of the Iowa Code, provide surveillance materials as a part of normal discovery, and must provide these materials prior to claimant's deposition. The commissioner found in favor of the Core Group and the Iowa Insurance Institute and others appealed to the district court. The district court and Court of Appeals affirmed. In Iowa Insurance Institute et al. v. Core Group etc. and Godfrey , No. 13-1627 (Iowa June 12, 2015), the Supreme Court, in a 5-1 decision , reversed the decision of the commissioner. The court concludes that the disclosure provisions of section 85.27(2) are "limited to health-care related privileges such as the physician-patient privilege." The court first addressed the procedural mechanism for the grant of a declaratory order under section 17A.9 of the Iowa Code and 8...